According to the EAEVE Application and Acceptance Procedure, veterinary practitioners interested to become an ESEVT expert should submit an application to the EAEVE office.
The application must include recommendation letter from the FVE Board. To receive such FVE recommendation letter, the applying practitioner should send a request by email to the FVE
The e-mail should include:
i) A recommendation / confirmation of membership from an FVE Member organisation (The FVE Network) ;
ii) A short CV, illustrating that the applicant is an active veterinary practitioner;
iii) A short motivation letter explaining the interest to become an ESEVT expert (max 1 page)
All information should be provided in English. It will be used for consideration by the FVE board at its next meeting.
UEVP Section of FVE provides an indemnity for practitioners participating in the School Visitation Teams. Read more.